Why we use pronouns in our signatures


At LifeRaft, we proudly celebrate and stand with the LGBTQIA2S+ community. We’re building a company future generations can be proud of. Diversity at LifeRaft means fostering a workplace in which individual differences are recognized, appreciated, respected and responded to in ways that fully develop and utilize each person's talents and strengths, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Being a safe space means going beyond mere acceptance—it's about actively championing diversity and making sure every employee feels valued and respected for who they are.


For a person who is transgender or nonbinary, sharing pronouns can be a bit riskier. If someone is transitioning at work and only a few people know about it, sharing pronouns may out them before they’re ready. For a nonbinary person, sharing they/them pronouns often only sparks a lengthier conversation rather than simply inform people.

That’s why we ask cisgender people to lead the change by sharing pronouns. It normalizes the process, has little risk, and actually makes for a safer environment for everyone. 

Max Masure, medium.com