Connected by digital systems and devices, we live in the Internet of Things (IoT).  IoT is a network of physical things that exchange data. 

internet-of-thingsWhether it’s an iPhone, Tablet, Alexa, Fitbits, or even a Samsung refrigerator, they are all connected to the web. 

This interconnectivity can ultimately influence the ways in which we live as the devices share pertinent data from one device to another. 


The Future of IoT 

As technology continues to evolve, so does that of IoT; the possibilities for expansion are limitless. Communication technology innovation provides more opportunities to connect society. As these technologies increase, so does its usage. Connected devices will reach 75 billion by 2025


IoT Security Threats

Internet devices are generally accompanied by the looming threat of cyberattacks and security vulnerabilities. Monitoring and managing your devices is the most beneficial way to avoid these potential threats. 

  • IoT devices experience an average of 5,200 attacks per month
  • 61% of organizations have experienced an IoT security incident


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